Thursday, September 3, 2009

Poem Answers 4 Sept 09

1a. What are the persona's feelings described in the first three stanzas of this poem? Explain how the poet described these feelings through the use of alliteration, metaphor and pun.

The persona of the poem feels confused and stressed out. He does not know what to do with his students. His students do not listen to him teach and pays no attention to him, even though he takes time to urge and pull them on. He is vexed at the fact that the students do not try and absorb everything he teaches. This can be inferred from “again on a quarry of knowledge they hate to hunt”.

The poet’s feelings can be shown through alliteration, metaphor and pun in this poem. Some metaphors used in the passage are quarry of knowledge and unruly hounds. These metaphors point to the information that the teacher gives to the students and the student’s attitude towards it. Alliteration gives the expression to the reader that the poet is trying to emphasize on something. The usage of “O” can be said to be alliteration as it appears on almost everything line in the stanza, for example, more, good and threescore. One of the puns found in the poem is quarry of knowledge. The literal meaning of quarry is a place where granite or rocks are blasted from the earth. The teacher in this case, refers to it as the granite being his knowledge, information and notes. The teacher does not like the fact that the students are going to chunk his notes aside and not read them. More puns include fuel of life.

1b. How is the tone of anger in this poem illustrated?

The tone of anger in this poem is illustrated through the choice of words like do not, will not, won’t and don’t. This shows his hatred towards the students. He also insults them with the fact that they do not know how to write a description of a dog. He hopes that their own misdoing will help them change and become a better person. He hates this job and the students that he wants to beat his own head against the wall. Or even better, beat the students head.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

News Review

The article I am reviewing is called Cheat gets stiff sentence. It is found at the straits times section of the

About the article
The article is about a con man which cheats people of his money by creating charitable organization and pocketing all the money donated to the company. 3 of his organization were shut down when he was caught by the police. Investigation shows that he not only cheated the public but scammed his parents of their money.

The consequences
The embezzler has been put in jail and has a $70,000 bail out period of over 7 months. His parents and friends are trying to bail him out but they still have a long way to go. Charities Commissioner Mr Low Puk Yeong says that he hopes that this incident would deter people from committing the same mistake.

My feeling about the article
From this article, I feel deeply saddened for the people who got cheated. I could not believe he would cheat his own parents and friends. He should not be given a second chance when he gets released. In conclusion, I would like to say that honestly is the best policy and we should not do evil deeds.

My Favourite Food - Cheese Fries

Cheesy, “mayosey” and with the smell of freshly fried potatoes. My favourite food is… the cheese fries from KFC. Although it is a fast food, it is still enjoyed by many people. The business of KFC has increase throughout the year since cheese fries was introduced by the company.

Cheese fries became an interest to me when my father bought it for me. Since, fast food is unhealthy; I will try and maintain a balanced diet.

The simple ingredient of the KFC cheese fries includes:
 Melted Cheese with spices
 Normal Mayonnaise
 Deep fried potato shaped into fries
 Salt for seasoning
 Spring Onion placed above the fries

Because KFC formulas are always kept secret, literally – They keep their recipes in a vault at a cooperated company in the USA. No one has ever replicated the smell and taste of the KFC cheese fries.

Although I had tried to cook cheese fries, the results were disastrous and I ended up buying the real cheese fries from the nearby KFC.

All in all, the cheese fries of the KFC Company are a galore and I will continue eating it. NO ONE IS STOPPING ME. HAHA.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Home Learning Because of class suspension. English Question 3

3. Why is it important for students to keep up to date with the news? Share some tips on how students can keep up with what is happening around them and around the world.

Students cannot keep up to date with the news when he or she is on MC and requires time to recuperate at home. Because of this, the class is constantly improving whereas the person on MC is lagging behind. The individual is not keeping up with the latest news and thus, he or she would be less knowledge on a certain aspect.
To help the students improve together with the class, here are some tips to help the “lagger”:
 Create a website or use a discussion forum to keep in touch with the individual. Everyone that concerns the individual have to be actively participating.
 Give phone calls to the individual and provide encouraging words or speeches to cheer him/her up.
 Visit him in his home and have dinner with him.
 Visit him and help him with his work
 Help him collect his homework.

Here are the tips I created to help a friend who is lagging.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Home Learning Because of class suspension. English Question 2

2. What are some tips you would offer fellow students to stay healthy?

With the suspension of classes and even schools nowadays, the need for a increase of awareness is important. What do us aware about? Obviously the health of one individual. How can we keep ourselves healthy? If you ask me, the need for exercise is very important and is the most integral part of the whole healthy “chart”. Exercise that will make you sweat is greatly encouraged. For those who dislike exercise, there is a long but tasty way to get fit. Eat lots of food which are high in calcium etc to build up your anti bodies against virus. A saying from the past says that a natural thermometer is your sweat. So if you are having a fever, TRY and only TRY to exercise to sweat a little.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Home Learning Because of class suspension. English Question 1

1. What are your thoughts about home learning? Is it more effective than learning in school?

Home Learning is introduced whenever the school is closing or a class suspension. Teachers can use home learning to teach and assign work for the students to learning and complete, at the comfort of their own home. The home learning project can also allow students to manage their time properly and to train punctuality. Teacher and students alike have to wake up early in the morning to check on each other and complete their given assignments. For teachers, they have to post work and ensure the students complete it. The students on the other hand have to finish the task set. However advance the internet is, the availability of teachers hinders the working progress. Some times, teachers might not be there to check their mail and answer the questions of the students. This will allow the student’s work to cease. I believe the traditional way of teaching, the board and hard copy assignments, are the best way to learn and interact.

Monday, June 29, 2009

My Favourite Poet

James Mercer Langston Hughes is a well-known and well-respected person in America. He was born on the February 1, 1902. And died on the 22nd of May 1967was an established American poet, novelist, playwright, short story writer and columnist. He was one of the earliest innovators of the new literary art form jazz poetry. Hughes is best-known for his work during the Harlem Renaissance
“I had been thinking about my father and his strange dislike of his own people. I didn't understand it, because I was a Negro, and I liked Negroes very much.” This was one of the phrases he said during his childhood. He had a bad father who mistreated and did not understand him. This caused him to try and suicide many times. His father also tried to plan his life by asking him to attend university and studying engineering but instead, he did six different odd jobs and after that went to abroad to study in Lincoln University, a renowned school for blacks.
I feel that he has a very strong will to pursue his own interest in poems and not be influenced by others to study other stuff. His determination is also admired by me. He “survived” through his childhood, enduring all the torture.
These are some poems which I adore:
1) I've known rivers:
I've known rivers ancient as the world and older than the
Flow of human blood in human veins.
My soul has grown deep like the rivers.
I bathed in the Euphrates when dawns were young.
I danced in the Nile when I was old
I built my hut near the Congo and it lulled me to sleep.
I looked upon the Nile and raised the pyramids above it.
I heard the singing of the Mississippi when Abe Lincoln
Went down to New Orleans, and I've seen its muddy
Bosom turns all golden in the sunset.
I've known rivers:
Ancient, dusky rivers.
My soul has grown deep like the rivers.

2) The younger Negro artists who create now intend to express
Our individual dark-skinned selves without fear or shame.
If white people are pleased we are glad. If they are not,
it doesn't matter. We know we are beautiful. And ugly, too.
The tom-tom cries and the tom-tom laughs. If colored people
Are pleased we are glad. If they are not, their displeasure
Doesn’t matter either. We build our temples for tomorrow,
strong as we know how, and we stand on top of the mountain
Free within ourselves.

3) The night is beautiful,
So the faces of my people.
The stars are beautiful,
So the eyes of my people
Beautiful, also, is the sun.
Beautiful, also, are the souls of my people.

Adapted from Wikipedia

Sunday, June 28, 2009

IT Lesson 1 2009 Poems

My Poem:
Whosever room this is should be ashamed!
His underwear is hanging on the lamp.
His raincoat is there in the overstuffed chair,
And the chair is becoming quite mucky and damp.
His workbook is wedged in the window,
His sweater's been thrown on the floor.
His scarf and one ski are beneath the TV,
And his pants have been carelessly hung on the door.
His books are all jammed in the closet,
His vest has been left in the hall.
A lizard named Ed is asleep in his bed,
And his smelly old sock has been stuck to the wall.
Whosever room this is should be ashamed!
Donald or Robert or Willie or--
Huh? You say it's mine? Oh, dear,
I knew it looked familiar!

The Poem I have picked is Messy Room

1)There are mainly four Figurative language in the poem I have chosen, they are basically, hyperbole,personification and metaphor. The use of hyperbole is shown when the writer uses and rewrites the sentence " Whosever room this is should be ashamed!". The use of personifiction is shown when the writer gives a lizard a humanly name like Ed. This makes the readers of the poem feel more alive while reading it. Last but not least, the uses of metaphor in the poems is seen in almost every sentence. The description of his room is a use of metaphor.

2)This poem makes readers reflect on their own rooms and sympatize on the writer's room. Some might laugh and some might feel bad that the writer has such a room condition. The metaphors used in the poem has significant meaning and gives the readers a picture to portray in their minds. The personifiction makes the room seem more interesting in a way that the room is occupied by Ed, the room mate. I hope you have a good laugh with this poem.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Time Management and Exam Stress

Stress is an overwhelming thing to cope with. No one in the world can sucessfully cope with stress, be it form homework, friends or family. However, instead of thinking of a way to "Destroy it", try and think of a way to supress it.Exam stress can come from many places, parents expections or self expections. Do not worry about those things and learn how to affectively learn some memory techniques from me. First, mindmaps would help a lot as it compiles information that we have learn into a piece of paper. Anyway, for more information, visit my project's day group to speak to them and try and contribute more tips and ways to help you supress stress as comments.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Earth Hour

" It is not which country you are from, it is what planet your from " Earth Hour is a significant event adopted by many different countries every year.This year is the first year Singapore is adopting the Earth Hour event. Citizens are encouraged to save electricity by switching off their lights for an hour between 8:30 to 9:30pm in the night of March 28th. Many countries like America and Australia have pitched in to help in the saving of the earth. The world famous landmarks are also taking a turn for once to save the earth. The Beijing BirdNest Stadium and the Syndey Opera House are one of the few landmarks in the world that are turning of their lights. I hope you have made the choice of switching of your lights as the organziers are aiming for 1 billion votes in the world. Each Vote is one light switch.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Business for good cause

We are very privileged to have the Resident’s Committee’s support in our social entrepreneurship business to raise funds for the underprivileged children the area. We had a few key factors to consider before thinking of the project:
1. People from the high-class might not want to donate money to the fund.
2. If the middle-class people donate money, they themselves would be short of money.
3. If this scheme will not act fast, there would be an increase in the number of underprivileged children in the area.
So, our group has tried to think of a useful project and after days of consolidation, we came up with an idea. We would leave the middle-class people out of the picture. High-class business men are our target. Firstly, we would allow them to donate willingly to the organization. After that, the money received would provide housing, food and education for the underprivileged children. When they reach 20 years old, they in turn must work for the high-class people in their business who donated the money to nurture them.

However, this agreement must be agreed by two parties and their signature is required:
1. The high-class people must donate into the organization every month with a minimum sum of $600. The person who donates more would get more employees in the end of the scheme.
2. No abuse of the underprivileged children is allowed when they come and work for you.
3. This contract can only be terminated if both parties agreed. Not doing so would result in a payment of $5000 to the other party.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Blog Prompt 2 (Wk 8)

Singapore, the new venue chosen by the world to host the up and coming Youth Olympic Games in 2010, is a very developed and well-planned country. All of these successes were moulded when our forefathers and current ministers ruled Singapore. Anyway, back to the point of the discussion about why Singapore is an ideal location for hosting the Youth Olympic Games.
Firstly, Singapore boosts a proud “heritage” of having to host many successful events like the F1 race on a street circuit. I believe the world chose Singapore to be the host is because of one of this reasons.
Next, Singapore is a well- developed place and many locals and tourists agreed so, apart from the kiasu-ness of Singaporeans. The world might have decided to give youths a chance of experiencing life in Singapore.
Thirdly, the tourist attractions! Singapore has a whole line of tourist attractions scattered all over it. If you do not experience Sentosa in the south, there is still the Mandai Zoo and the Night Safari in the north. If you travel to Singapore without trying out at least one of the attractions, it’s like not having been to Singapore before.
Last but not least is the history! Not many people understand or even know about Singapore’s history, be it locals or tourists. If you take an inside look into Singapore’s history, you will find it really exciting, especially if you visit the Singapore’s Heritage Centre or Battle Box to experience life during or before the Japanese Occupation.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

New ending for Nothing but the truth

The process of Philip Malloy transferring to another school was long and tough. He felt isolated and lonely with no friends and familiar teachers. He was “destroyed”. Some times he wanted to try and make new friends but he had no confidence and thus did not carry it out.
The sun shone brightly and charred the pavement. Strong winds bushed past Philip Malloy, ruffling his hair and making it a mess. The fourth storey height was a scare as he sat on the ledge. Many of his new schoolmates and teachers were all have fun down at the first storey school park.
Small drops of shining yet crushing tears rolled down his cheeks and enter the seam of his mouth. Just in the nick of the time, the idea came. Thinking back of the Harrison High School scandal, he struck a lost thought of apologizing to his teacher Miss Narwin. A few minutes later and he would be toast on the ground at the first floor, luckily for him.
He immediately rushes out of the school and dashed for home. His parents approved and brought him to the school, where he apologized to Miss Narwin. She gladly accepted the apology and Philip Malloy was back to his old school again.

PS: Miss Narwin did not resign; it’s not like the ending of nothing but the truth.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Term 1 Week 7 Blog prompt

Dear ladies and gentleman,
Welcome here and thanks for taking your time away from your schedule to listen to my speech. Anyway let’s go back to the speech, from the recent news article, I have gathered information that illegal kidney sales are ongoing and even increasing. This kind of illegal behaviour is not advisable and I believe that we should put a stop to this incident immediately, if not, the situation would worsen and everyone might lose their kidneys.
I strongly believe that the government plays a role on ensuring that such criminals are punished, which serves as a severe deterrence. Everyone should help in keeping a keen eye out for those illegal kidneys” transplantors” , as each and every one of us plays an important role in keeping the society and community safe for everyone to live in.
So, the point of saying this speech is to emphasize on the importance of having a strong community as I said so earlier, “Every one of us plays an important role in keeping the society and community safe for everyone to live in.” I think that the government is responsible for building a strong and upholding community. The suggestion I would like to present to the government is that they should further train the community people to look out for those unscrupulous doctors who remove people’s organ without their permission or consent.
All in all, I would appreciate it deeply if the government take action in resolving this matter as I do not like to see these kind of cases on the rise again.
Thank You for your kind attention and support

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Blog prompt 3( Wk 6)

Hello teachers and schoolmates,
I am the chairman of the Recycling club and I would like to present a business proposal to recycle old stuff which people do not need. I would like all of you to present funds to the school for creating and displaying the recycling bins. If you do so, I would sent representives to place recycling bins at the void deck of your home to encourage your neighbours to recycle. Firstly, the point of my speech is to tell you the reason of having this speech which have already done. Secondly, I would tell you the three benefits of having the recycling bin near you.#1.If you recycle cans or bottles, the price of canned drinks and mineral water would stop going up.#2.If you recycle the newspapers, people would not have to work so hard to chop down trees to make paper. And#3. If everyone gets the habit of recycling, the environment would stop worsening.

Thanks You for your time put in for listening to my speech.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Blog prompt 3( Wk 5)

I believe that bidding for the Youth Olympics is a wonderful decision as the Youth Olympics would attract people into the country, thus improving on tourism. I hope that Singapore would win the bid as people believe Singapore can do a good job on the Youth Olympics, just like the F1 race.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Blog Prompt 2 (Wk 3)

Welcome to our company! Our new product to make students learn better has been released. It has a few capabilities. First, it is light, goes around the wrists and has a watch function. Next, like any other digital watch, it has an alarm function. Then, the amazing watch can be like a teacher, it talks and explains to you questions you do not know. However, please do not mistreat them. Finally, when students are feeling sleeply in the class after a long day of work, the watch's mood detector can send some electro-pulses into the arm to jolt them "Awake".

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Chinese New Year to everyone that reads the mapler's blog

Hi, everyone.Happy Chinese New Year to everyone in the world that celebrates it. I had a wonderful time during the holiday period. Cheers!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Blog prompt 1 (Wk 2)

Speech: Hello,I am a memberof the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty To Animals and I want to raise awareness of the cruelty of whaling in Japan.I believe that people should reduce the amount of tuna being eaten as the population of blue-fin tuna is decreasing.Although fishfarmers are trying very hard to breed more blue-fin tunas, the public should not take that for granted as it would waste the breeding effort of the fishfarmers . People in the public should wait awhile till the tuna population is stablised, then continue consuming them.

Friday, January 16, 2009

New school life

Wow,finally I have time to write in the blog.
My new school life at Hwa chong is tough but exciting.I love waking up at 5.30am and reaching school at 7.05am.Sleeping is now my new hobby,besides playing computer games.And the worst of all, now I have ten subjects to cope with.Arrrrrrrrrr!

Anyway, thanks to anyone that reads my blog.Please comment on it as improvement is key.See Ya everyone.I will update as soon as possible.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Yo peps

Hi everyone,I am real happy with my new blog.