Tuesday, August 18, 2009

News Review

The article I am reviewing is called Cheat gets stiff sentence. It is found at the straits times section of the

About the article
The article is about a con man which cheats people of his money by creating charitable organization and pocketing all the money donated to the company. 3 of his organization were shut down when he was caught by the police. Investigation shows that he not only cheated the public but scammed his parents of their money.

The consequences
The embezzler has been put in jail and has a $70,000 bail out period of over 7 months. His parents and friends are trying to bail him out but they still have a long way to go. Charities Commissioner Mr Low Puk Yeong says that he hopes that this incident would deter people from committing the same mistake.

My feeling about the article
From this article, I feel deeply saddened for the people who got cheated. I could not believe he would cheat his own parents and friends. He should not be given a second chance when he gets released. In conclusion, I would like to say that honestly is the best policy and we should not do evil deeds.

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